Sport Psychology

Sport Psychology

National Conference with International Participation

15 June 2024



For the detailed Conference Program (pages 21-25) please press here: Program 2024

Sport Psychology will reach the 2024 Summer Olympics

Sport and technology have changed considerably over time, the advancement in technology being an advancement for athletes' training and performance. In this context, psychology often makes the difference between good and great athletes, between the gold medal and the other positions in the ranking.

For this reason, in order to better understand the mental factors affecting participation in sport and physical activities, we invite you to explore the sport psychology scene. This conference will offer specialists key knowledge at a time when a new edition of the Olympic Games is approaching. The fierce struggle for winning in competition can generate violence and aggressive behaviors, especially in the case of young athletes, potentially affecting their mental health.

Our event aims to bring together researchers and academic experts to exchange and share their research findings and ideas on all aspects of sport psychology.

Informații Credite CPR și Taxe de participare/CPR Credits information & Participation fee

Conferința este acreditată de către FEPSAC (European Federation of Sport Psychology) și de către Colegiul Psihologilor din România (CPR) - Pentru mai multe detalii apasati aici (Romanian)

Cererea de înscriere se poate descărca de aici (doar pentru psihologii din România - only for Romanian psychologists)

The conference is accredited by FEPSAC (European Federation of Sport Psychology) and by the Romanian College of Psychologists (CPR) - For more information press here (English)


Papers are invited on topics related, but not limited, to:

  • Anxiety, Arousal and competitive performance
  • Emotion, moods and performance
  • Aggression and violence in sport
  • Social psychology of sport (group cohesion, leadership)
  • Attention and concentration in sport
  • Mental skills training
  • Decision-making and memory in sport
  • Issues in sport personality research
  • Stress and coping during COVID-19 pandemic
  • The coach - psychological variables
  • Elite athletes
  • Minority athletes
  • Doping in sports
  • Motivation in sport
  • Visualisation techniques - the mental road map for success
  • Self-talk in sport
  • Audience effects on sport performance
  • Clinical issues
  • The school psychologist and sport: optimal functioning between family, student-athlete, and school personnel
  • Relaxation and energization
  • Psychology of sport injury rehabilitation


Important Dates

22 May 2024 - Submission of abstracts/Full-paper submission*

29 May 2024 - Notification of acceptance

31 May - 4 June 2024 - Conference fee payment **   

*Abstract submission (200-250 words) on the conference platform (for authors who will have an oral presentation) or Full-paper submission (for authors who will have an oral presentation and who wish to publish their research - see Author instructions)

** Authors will make the payment only after paper acceptance message.

Scientific Committee

Maurizio Bertollo, Professor Ph.D., University G. d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, Italy

Anne-Marie Elbe, Professor Ph.D., University of Leipzig, Germany

Ștefan Tüdös, Professor PhD, National University of Physical Education and Sport Bucharest, Romania

Zermena Vazne, Professor PhD, Latvian Academy of Sport Education, Latvia

Alessandro Quartiroli, Professor PhD, Professor University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, USA; Visiting Reader, University of Portsmouth, UK.

Georgeta Pânișoară, Professor PhD, University of Bucharest, Romania

Cristian Vasile, Professor P.D, Petroleum-Gas University, Ploiesti, Romania, President of International Society for Applied Psychology

Emilia Grosu, Professor PhD, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Ryszard Makarowski, Professor PhD, Academy of Applied Medical and Social Sciences, Elblag, Poland

Mariela Pavalache, Professor PhD, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania

Georgiana Mitrache, Associate Professor PhD, National University of Physical Education and Sport Bucharest, Romania

Cornel Laurențiu Mincu, Associate Professor PhD, University of Bucharest, Romania


Organizing Committee

President of the organizing committee

Radu Predoiu, Associate Professor PhD, UNEFS, Bucharest

Members of the organizing committee

Alexandra Predoiu, Lecturer PhD, National University of Physical Education and Sport Bucharest, Romania

Roxana Bejan-Mureșan, Lecturer PhD, National University of Physical Education and Sport Bucharest, Romania

Ana Maria Vasiliu, Lecturer PhD, National University of Physical Education and Sport Bucharest, Romania

Laurențiu Ticală, Lecturer PhD, National University of Physical Education and Sport Bucharest, Romania



Address: National University of Physical Education and Sports from Bucharest

Constantin Noica, No. 140, Zip Code 060057 Bucharest, Romania

